
The silica supplement everyone is talking about.

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About Silica - Medical Medium - Living Silica

About Silica - Medical Medium

Benefits of Silica
by Anthony Williams - Medical Medium

"Silica is one of the foundational minerals our bodies' need most. While we commonly hear that calcium is the mineral that's most helpful for bone health, it's actually silica that's more critical. Silica is unbeatable for its bone-building and bone-protecting properties.

It can improve bone density, bone flexibility and if you suffer with any bone degeneration diseases and conditions with labels like osteoporosis, osteopenia, age-related bone loss, or other bone density issues, silica should be a part of your healing protocol.

And if you've had an injury where you've broken or fractured a bone, dislocated a joint, or pulled a hamstring, silica is crucial for repair and recovery.

It's not just your bones that need silica.

Your teeth do too, as do your joints, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue in order to be strong and healthy.

It helps to strengthen the connective tissues of the brain, nerve cells, and spinal cord thereby improving memory and helping to prevent memory loss.

Silica also helps stabilize the pancreas's release of insulin!

If you want your nails, skin, and hair to be healthy, turn to silica.

It's an essential beauty mineral that helps heal brittle bones, teeth, hair, and nails.

It is also well known for its anti-aging, anti-wrinkle properties due to its ability to help form collagen and repair damaged or loose skin along with a clean diet, like the one I describe in my books Medical Medium and Life-Changing Foods.

There are many foods that are high in silica that are best included as often as possible.

These foods include melons, cucumbers, artichokes, asparagus, dandelion, and leafy greens.

There are also wonderful herbs that offer rich sources of silica including nettle leaf, horsetail, oatstraw, and rose hips.

Of the herbs, nettle leaf is an especially potent source of silica and can be enjoyed as a daily tea or taken as a supplement. 


Looking for a preferred silica supplement?

Along with the silica-rich foods shared above, there are some very helpful silica supplements that can offer additional, concentrated support. One or all of these products can be helpful for health.


LIVING SILICA as found in Orgono G5 Siliplant is one of the best forms of supplemental silica. It can be helpful for bone, skin, hair, teeth, tendon, ligament, and connective issues. LIVING SILICA is easily absorbed by the body.

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