Become a distributor or reseller of our products, please contact us.
Create an account: The first step to partnering with LIVING SILICA® is opening an account, which gives you access to our partner benefits.
first step to become a partner
Please Select The Profile That Best Applies To You And Complete The Application Form:

Many of ORGONO® enthusiastic partners are healthcare professionals who work every day to help improve world healthy. We salute your dedication and are pleased to offer a wholesale discount to healthcare professionals on ORGONO® products

It does not matter if you are a small store or a supermarket. At Silicium Laboratories®, we have a wide range of products for you to get started. As leading providers of premium silica, we can provide numerous partnering benefits.

We provide our distribution partners with the best silica products and offer advice to help nurture their business strategies, developing close relationships in order to make each business venture a success.

silicium laboratories
LIVING SILICA® is the leading global source of silica (silicon from Silicic Acid, OSA, and Monomethylsilanetriol) trusted by supplement manufacturers. We work with nutraceutical companies and physicians worldwide to produce and distribute the safest and purest form of silica.
We are pleased to redirect you to our specialized website, where you will find all the information you need to start working with us.